
Outreach to the Romani Community in Czech Republic

Lucie in Czech Republic reported ‘the party in the sky continues… yesterday 7 August 2024 and today 42 people heard the gospel and 7 of them converted. Thank you, Holy Spirit, you are number one .’ This in a praise report!

Lucie is a ministry partner of Stanislav in Czech Republic. She has been ministering to the Romani community to share the gospel with the Romani children and youth. These communities are in socially excluded locations and their communications skills are limited.

Lucie adopted a new way to reachout to these children and youth. She initiated a Czech Outreach brochure and distributed the printed brochures as outreach material. The brochures were very effective tool to start a conversation on the street and simply explain the gospel. They have worked well for Lucie and she used them in almost every outreach. Lucie has plans to use them during the big evangelistic events at the end of August 2024 in two socially excluded location. In additional to bulk distribution, she will use them during one-on-one conversations with people who come to the event.

Here are some of the testimonies from her ministry to children, teens and adults on the streets of socially excluded locations. (Note: Only photos with kids, because teens and adults do not usually want to be photographed.)

Dušan, 14 years old boy, was immediately healed of his illness after prayer – for three months he could not breathe through his nose at all due to enlarged tonsils, he often choked, especially when eating and drinking. After the prayer, he was breathing perfectly.

Dušan, 15 years old, during sharing a gospel, God gave me a word of knowledge: Dušan is very angry and it concerns mathematics. When I said it to Dušan, he was very surprised how it is possible I know about his conflict with his math teacher that happened just couple of hours before we have met. When I shared the gospel with him before that, he didn’t pay much attention to it. After this word of knowledge, he listened very carefully.

Kristýna – a young girl, God gave me a revelation during prayer for her that she looks happy and self-confident on the outside, but in her heart, she has chambers full of fear, anxiety, humiliation and anger and does not want to let anyone in. I encouraged her to let Jesus in there and let Him heal those places.

Zuzana, 12 years old, came to me twice after the first interview, decided to accept Jesus and prayed the prayer of acceptance with me. She is very interested in God, we agreed that I would bring her a Bible. We met again several times, we handed her the Bible, which she began to read. I had the opportunity to share the gospel with her friends as well.

Two adult women, Laura and her sister Ester, were immediately healed of pain after prayer: Laura had several months of severe back pain and Ester had 6 years of stomach pain. After the prayer, both experienced relief from pain, during the prayers they felt God’s touch.

David, 25, a man with many problems including drug abuse. As I was sharing the gospel, I was handing him a brochure and at that moment the Holy Spirit said to me, “This comic is good for him, easy to read, because he is dyslexic.” So I said to David, “Even you are dyslexic you can read it because it is a comic book .” He was very surprised that I knew that. During the prayer, he experienced a powerful touch of God and was healed of nausea.

Jan, 23 years old, a man with many problems, during prayer the Holy Spirit told me that Jan is asthmatic and has a very sensitive, vulnerable heart. Jan was surprised that I knew that. During the prayer, he experienced a strong touch of God’s love and said that he felt something bad has just left him and he felt to be healed of his asthma.

Lukáš, 18 years old, he was limping because his knee hurt, and he wanted us to pray for his recovery. After the prayer he said that it was much better, and he was jumping around us on one of his legs that hurt before. It was a testimony to him and his friends of God´s power and love. Then we could share the gospel with all of them.

For all these people it was the first encounter with God’s power and love. It was a powerful testimony to all of them. They were open to hearing the gospel and some of them were born again on the spot.

Praise the Lord for His goodness, love, power and never-ending desire to bring His lost children home.

With love,
Czech Republic