
Called to Serve

Sow Ministries was pioneered by Ken and Rayma Tracy who felt strongly that they were called by the Lord to take up the command and head for the mission field in Asia. Initially, they were not sure the exact location, but over time were directed to West Timor where they settled, and have built up a vibrant evangelistic, discipleship ministry which is thriving and contines to grow.

I came to hear of them through my Life Group leader in 2001. He mentioned that our lifegroup would be adopting a missionary, and asked if anyone would take the responsibility of being the coordinator, for which I responded. He said. “Make sure you introduce yourself communicate, and keep in touch constantly”, which I did.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhen the Tracy’s visited Melbourne for CityLife’s annual World Impact Week, they came over to our house, and were very keen to see where I was emailing them from. After about 1 1/2 years of supporting in this way, Ken’s Support Group Leader resigned, and at his request, I was asked to take up the challenge of being the Support Group Leader to Ken and Rayma Tracy in 2004.  It really was quite a busy role, as it involved assisting Ken with different purchases for their outdoor evangelistic meetings.  Ken was also very interested in using computers, projectors and electrical equipment which meant visiting various shops for these items. In addition, I would be in communication with the lifegroups who supported their ministry at City Life, and coordinate dates for Ken and Rayma to visit them when they were in Melbourne. Both Ken and Rayma always made a good effort to inform the members of the work they were doing on the field and were always keen to make friends wth as many people in Melbourne as they were able to.

Together with quite a few of the lifegroup members we ran a foodstall each year during the annual International Night Event. We have also done a couple of sausage sizzles over the years. One of my life group ladies came on board and assisted mainly with the purchases that Ken would require. This was a great help as there was always large items like a projector, camera, phone, that might be needed.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIn 2007 I visited West Timor for 11 days and experienced life on the mission field with Ken and Rayma. We visited home and church fellowships and helped with the medical ministry. Also spent time with the staff at each base and got to know what is actually involved in the work. In 2009 & 2010 Yuliana and Sani – 2 girls who had tumours were helped by City Life Church and Dandenong Hospital. The Life Group members and myself were involved in some of the fund raising for these projects. A couple very kindly accommodated them during their necessary stay here.

At the beginning of 2011, Ken developed acute Leukaemia. He was diagnosed in Jakarta whilst at a conference and had to be rushed to a hospital in Singapore as he became very Ill and weak. . After undergoing chemotherapy, he developed an aggressive type of leukaemia and sadly passed away on the 25th of April, 2011. Ken’s children came over from America and several of us from CityLife were present from Australia. There were a few pastors and friends from Singapore. A really sad time for Rayma and her children, and all the people back in Indonesia as well. I have been in constant touch with Rayma since and she visited Melbourne for World Impact Week.

My husband, Trevor, and I had the pleasure of going to West Timor in September last year and it was exciting to see how the work has taken shape since Ken’s passing and they are moving onto another chapter. Trevor and I got involved in the worship services at the home and church fellowship services that were organized. We also helped with the medical clinics. We got to know the staff and Trevor shared a few messages on faith at some of the services, and I was asked to introduce myself and what we did to assist the work on the mission field.

It is truly a privilege to serve Rayma and the Sow Ministries team in West Timor and we thank God for all those that have joined with us in support of this great work of the Kingdom.

– Aloma