

Do you want to encounter God and learn about His purposes for your life and how you can make a difference in world?

Why not consider being part of the upcoming Kairos course?   Details of the course are below:

Sundays, 16 February – 13 April

3:30-6:00 pm

Waverley Christian College Library

Here’s some comments from past students:

I have been deeply challenged and inspired by this course. My life has been profoundly changed by the Kairos course. My eyes are now open to be a world Christian with the Great Commission being at the centre of my life.     Clarice

Kairos has been a huge eye opener for me to see the Bible as an instruction manual on mission work. I have come to see how we all have a part in the Great Commission, whether it is actually going or being in a supportive role to those involved in going.     – Fay

Kairos opened my heart and mind in considering how I can make a difference both prayerfully and strategically in helping save lives. It taught me how we all have a part to play as messengers of the message of our Saviour.     – Ellen

After doing Kairos I see how important and urgent it is to reach unreached people groups with the gospel. I had no idea that there were still a vast number of people groups that had never had the gospel presented to them. This course challenges you to move away from being a typical Christian to truly being a Christian that has a heart for all peoples.    – Tracey

This course has been extremely helpful in giving me a more solid understanding of the Great Commission in the context of Abraham’s covenant with God. It has challenged me in the way I view other cultures and the need to pray for them. Kairos has been life changing in the way I see missions as not something for exclusive Christians but as the central calling and purpose for every Christian. This course has helped me gain a deeper insight into the Bible and why it is so important to live out the Great Commission. It has given me a deeper appreciation of different cultures as well as challenging me to pray for the unreached peoples.    – Eunice

Kairos has reignited my passion for the lost and reassured me of a God given purpose in my life. It has helped to equip me for effective cross-cultural ministry. The Abrahamic blessing; ‘Blessed to be a blessing’, is the most inspiring concept I have gained through the course and something I want to practise in my daily life.     – Sam

Kairos is an encounter with God for every follower of Christ, whether your journey has been short or over many years.  You will have the opportunity to find out how you fit into God’s plan for this world over nine interactive sessions.

To register, go to http://www.citylifechurch.com/e/3407/kairos-course