In 2020, CityLife World Impact continues its Vision 2021 which started in 2018. Our Mission is defined as
Impacting Cities and Nations
Community by Community
Our Vision is a specific picture of what we see ourselves achieving in 2021 and is encapsulated in the following statement.
More than 800 communities impacted
in strategic places around the world by 2021
Our strategy for doing this is by,
Blessing Communities and Building the Church
with strategy partners
The following is a diagram to help put all this into context.

In our other blog articles, you can read about some of the work that our missions partners are engaged in as well as some of the homebase activities that our church members have been carrying out to support them. Together we have helped advance the Kingdom of heaven in the Nations.
Since 2018, 134 new churches have been planted, 245 new Life Groups have been started and 64 new communities have been impacted through various community projects.
We are so blessed to have a church community with a great heart for missions. For the past few years, we have been praying about and exploring ways of increasing the effectiveness of our homebase support.
Last year, CityLife as a whole, had a focus on DEVELOP – ‘developing disciples who make disciples’. This year, the focus is on INFLUENCE – ‘expanding the influence of the Kingdom of God’. DEVELOP however didn’t stop with the end of 2019, it continues to be expressed in our community. Thus, as we’ve looked and prayed for member of our support committee to be developed in their gifts and talents, God has stirred up members of our community to become involved with World Impact in a deeper way.
The first group are our World Impact Coaches, individuals who have been involved with missions for a significant period of time and have been very effective in the specific areas that we feel a need to lift in. Their role is to be a resource to our wider team of missions supporters, like our various missionary support teams and Life Groups that have adopted a missions partner. Following is a diagram showing the names of these individuals and the areas that they are involved with.

The next group are individuals with skills and passions that relate to ‘the field’ or our missions partners. Their focus is to be a resource to our missions partners. Following is a diagram of the various Task Force teams that we’re forming.

We trust that as we continue to pursue our missions mandate as a church, that God will draw more members of our community deeper into his global mission who will contribute their skills, resources and cover both our homebase and field activities in PRAYER.
To find the latest prayer requests from our missions partners, visit the prayer segment of our blog .