
Moved to action for Russia

We started supporting our missions worker and their work in Russia after meeting them during World Impact Week 2009.

Sometimes in life you cannot help but get involved when your heart is touched by the needs of the people that our worker and their Christian Russian workers assist.

Our worker is in a key city in the region and despite improving conditions in many parts of Russia, this is an economically depressed region with large numbers of unemployed people, with many living in very poor circumstances.

They has been there for almost two decades. Their vision is to provide a future and hope for homeless youth, orphans and children of deprived families, homeless men, recovering alcoholics, drug addicts and ex prisoners. The needs are great.

Children’s Centre

The centre helps over 200 children each year with after school activities that focus on life skills. For orphans and children from deprived families, these activities are life saving, teaching them how to manage money, relate normally to adults, manage conflict situations and simply develop Christian moral principles of behaviour and a work ethic. Many receive clothing assistance especially in the long freezing winter with temperatures down to minus 35°C.

In the summer as many as possible are helped to attend a summer camp where they can be fully fed and taken care of in a nurturing Christian atmosphere instead of spending 3 months on the streets getting into trouble.

Our worker’s fellow staff spend much time dealing with issues of substance and alcohol abuse, encouraging kids to make better choices for their future lives and helping those who are already addicted to break these habit patterns and learn suitable alternative activities such as sport and useful hobbies. Many work in the garden in summer to grow food for the centre learning useful skills.

For many children without parents or with broken and abusive families, Our worker’s  staff provide a loving alternative where some trust can be restored in a happy and secure environment. Dramatic changes take place in many lives as they learn to trust and find that they have worthwhile skills they can develop. Several of the children have even gone on to tertiary education and are developing future careers that will enable them to live normal lives contributing to their society and eventually leading to good marriages and stable families for their own children.


Our worker also runs a workshop that provides training and work experience for older children. These children are trained in woodwork, sewing and in the future metalwork. With these skills they will be able to earn a living.


A men’s rehabilitation centre is also run, that provides a home for up to 15 men who are recovering alcoholics, drug addicts or ex prisoners. Through workplace training and counselling, the men are able to return to useful and productive lives.

Missionaries can very often feel alone, they face many difficulties and daily challenges. To know that they and the work they have been called to are supported strongly in prayer makes all the difference. Assisting this ministry, be it at a distance (prayer, correspondence or finance) you feel you are able to help, make a contribution. Here is a life-changing ministry worth supporting.

For us we are privileged to be part of her support network.

May we invite you to consider supporting our worker also?

Robert & Gillian

Point Persons for supporting our missions worker