
New Missions Prayer Advocates

Prayer is an essential part of Christian Living and in the mission field, its importance cannot be more apparent. Our

New Support Leader for Ps Wang

World Impact would like to introduce Audrey Teoh, our new Support Leader for missions partner, Ps Wang.  Audrey has been interested

Church Bell Rings

In November of 2018, I led a team of 11 people from CityLife’s Knox, Casey and Manningham sites on a

2018 Missions Trip to the Czech Republic

In July this year, a team from CityLife Church went to the Czech Republic on a short term missions trip.

Showing the Father’s Love in Myanmar

Myanmar is a country situated in the ASEAN region with a population of approximately 60 million people and over 150

Trip to Sarawak, Malaysia

In early July this year, Michael (a CityLife World Impact endorsed missions worker and founder of 3Ce Ministry), Collin (volunteer

My Support Journey

My involvement with the CityLife missions partners Ken & Rayma Tracy began in 2001. I had just started attending CityLife and was in a Life Group. A request came through to the Life Group saying that the Tracy’s needed a support coordinator. I put my hand up and this story began.

My Life Group leader said, ‘Please make sure you communicate with them’. They were in a very remote region so I began communicating with them over the internet. Ken (now deceased) was rapt to hear from me, and we began talking on a regular, almost daily basis. He introduced me to Rayma his wife, and their two school aged daughters.

One Heart Church – Canggu

One Heart Church has been invited to assume responsibility of a small outreach project in another expat community in Bali. The project is essentially a missional community of 20-40 people who are looking for pastoral leadership, a church connection and legal covering.

Small Projects Transforming Lives

CityLife World Impact has 16 field partners in 10 nations across the globe, ministering holistically to the communities surrounding the mission field. Individuals who have stepped out to help break the cycle of poverty in disadvantaged communities, helping to give hope and purpose with the message of God’s love.

Many of us can quickly bring to mind and image of someone experiencing hardship or challenges in life. The challenge is often not knowing who may need help, it is taking action to do something about it. Whether we have seen this need in a picture or in person, the reality is that we can each do something, and become a part of the solution; placing our piece of the jigsaw.

One Heart Church, Bali

One Heart Church Bali is the new international church in Bali led by Adrian & Joanna Murley. This is also