Category: World Impact
Tree of Shame Replaced by a Church
– by Harris
Brett and Justine Wiltshire are the national directors of Australian Aboriginal Outreach Ministries (AAOM). In 2000, they moved with their children to Halls Creek in the Western Australian Kimberly region to pastor a local church. After planting an additional six churches, an indigenous couple took over as local pastors, releasing Brett and Justine to be the AAOM coordinators for 14 churches, some of them in the most remote and isolated communities in Australia.
Then, in September 2014 they became the national directors for AAOM. They are still based in Halls Creek but have moved out of their home and now live in a bus which serves as the mobile home, office and teaching base. As national directors they travel all across Australia setting vision, encouraging pastors, ministering at the churches, speaking into the pastor’s lives and supporting them in any way they can.
There are nearly 400 aboriginal communities in Australia, some of which are on the outskirts of the hottest and most inhospitable deserts and hundreds of kilometers from shops, schools and services. AAOM is a national church planting movement that reaches out to Aboriginal communities in the outback as well as urban areas. AAOM’s motto is ‘working in unity, transforming communities’.
On a visit to CityLife Church, Brett shared some remarkable stories of how the redemptive power of God is working through their ministry into the lives of Aboriginal people. This is one of them…
Precious Women
– by Harris
“… I know that God has told me to do this, so I stepped out and I’m doing it.”
CityLife Church‘s missions partners, New Life Fellowship in Phnom Penh is one of the largest churches in Cambodia.
Their vision is for the church to have a positive influence in every sector of Cambodian society; to be a model and a resource centre for planting churches in all 24 provinces of Cambodia and to send Cambodians as missionaries to other countries.
In addition, they are passionate about ministering to the poor and disadvantaged. Through the New Life Foundation, a non-profit humanitarian organisation also under their leadership, they engage in relief and development work with a particular emphasis on the education sector. You can find out more on their Facebook page CambodiaOutreach.
Here’s a remarkable story of the impact that NLF is having in Cambodia…
A Swinging Christmas in Prague
– by Harris
No Boundaries Church, led by Stanislav and Eva Bubik, are celebrating a ‘swinging’ Christmas in Prague. This church is in the front line of the Pentecostal movement in the Czech Republic.
On December 18, at their usual morning service, there will be a concert by the extremely popular singer Jana Smigmatora and his Swinging Quartet. Here’s a YouTube video of one of their performances,
No way would the church usually be able to afford this very famous secular performer, but Jana is doing the concert purely out of goodwill. An interesting trend that has been gaining momentum in Czech society in recent years…
Life Group Adopts Bali Mission

New Life Group shows it’s never too soon or too small to make a start supporting missions…
Hi, we are very small new Life Group (Raymond, Mark, Jackie and Harris) at CityLife Church but we believe in giving practical expression to our Christianity. That’s part of our philosophy of being a Life Group and so we are supporting CityLife World Impact.
We know there are many other Life Groups which have been doing this on a much bigger scale for much longer than us, but I guess our message is, “It’s never too soon or too small to make a start.”
Turning Crisis in to Opportunity
CityLife International Church in Ethiopia has been given notice to vacate the rental property for its Burayu congregation by the end of the year. With your help, the church can transform this situation into a blessing with exciting plans for expansion and development.
Since moving from Australia to Ethiopia with their family eight years ago to plant CityLife International Church in Addis Ababa, the capital city, Paulos and Abado Djini have seen thousands of lives and dozens of communities transformed. Now, the church is poised to embark on a very exciting expansion program.
With your help they can develop the land for their Burayu site. The initial stage involves laying down a concrete slab and putting up a temporary structure to take care of immediate needs. The ultimate goal is to built a new church facility and community centre which would enable CityLife International Church to firmly establish its presence in Addis Ababa.
Seven Days of Prayer
CityLife World Impact calls for seven days of prayer for the current situation in Ethiopia…
The weekend of 22/23 October, 2016 was a very special weekend at CityLife Church campuses all across the city of Melbourne, Australia. These two days were devoted to supporting and celebrating CityLife World Impact, the missions ministry of our church.
Many volunteers came together to set up bazaars and sausage sizzles to sell food and gift items with the proceeds going to support the work of CityLife missions partners. Thank you all for your support of our ministry.
One of the most powerful messages to come out of the event was a call by CityLife World Impact for a week of prayer for the current situation in Ethiopia.
My Experience in Cambodia
As an introverted, highly organised and unadventurous person, stepping out of my comfort zone without knowing exactly how things would
Ethiopia – Djini’s on Home Assignment
“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be
Transformation Stories from Southern Cross Kids Camp
This year marks the 14th year of camps for children within the child welfare system, children who have experienced the