
FOR THE KINGDOM Part 2: Why Can’t God Mend a Broken World?

God can change the world.  He is all powerful, all knowing and all seeing.  He is King of creation and

FOR THE KINGDOM Part 1: What Would You Do If You Ruled The World?

Have you ever mused, in a moment of megalomania, about what would you do if you ruled the world?  Capitalism

Called to Serve

Sow Ministries was pioneered by Ken and Rayma Tracy who felt strongly that they were called by the Lord to

A Ray of Sunshine in Belarus – Rae’s Journey (Chapter 6)

As I’ve mentioned before, it was illegal for us to share the Good News of Jesus with children under 15.

Bringing Hope to Russia

Joy’s vision is to provide a future and a hope for the underprivileged people of Russia. For over 18 years

Middle East Update

After 18 months of instability since the Egyptian 25 January 2011 Revolution, President Morsy from the Muslim Brotherhood was elected.

Pray for Unreached People Groups and Nations

World Impact  Mission  Empowering churches across cultures to impact unreached people for the Kingdom of God. World Impact’s Vision and

My Journey by Rae Hussey – Chapter 5

Communist countries are not usually places of trust. Over many decades, communists have been trained to report those who are

My Journey by Rae Hussey – Chapter 4

As I questioned friends about the whereabouts of orphanages, it became very apparent that nobody knew where, or how, to

Moved to action for Russia

We started supporting our missions worker and their work in Russia after meeting them during World Impact Week 2009. Sometimes